Monday, February 11, 2013

Portable solar cells

After a long career in photovoltaics, I finally decided it was time to get a few solar cells for personal use. Other than a few gadgets, I've never had any for home use. Since I'm an avid hiker, I decided to get a portable variety that would allow me to travel for longer journeys without the need for an external electricity supply. I'll explain this motivation in a further post. The desire is to be able to charge a camera, an iPhone and a small computer, but not all at the same time! I chose a SolarMonkey Adventurer. Rated at 3 Watts and weighing only 265g, it comes with a couple of polycrystalline silicon solar cells, an internal battery and MPPT (maximum power point tracking) circuitry. At 700mA, the rated output current is sufficient even for such a gluttonous device as an iPhone.

Today was a beautiful, sunny winter day. Time for a test. SolarMonkey's battery was completely empty when I placed it on the balcony in the sun today. While it was in the sun charging, I decided to use the iPhone until the battery was empty. That was easy. The iPhone played Pat Metheny music until it went silent. Good - no sign of life in the iPhone despite revival attempts.

And so, how did the charger perform? After letting the iPhone charge for 2 hours, the battery showed it was only one notch from being fully charged. Success!

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