Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oz Weather is #1

Graham Dawson has finally made it!! His iPhone weather app has become Australia's #1 seller. This is due in no small measure to great programming and attention to design and detail. But ultimately, Oz Weather's the best because of Graham's passion for weather which I can attest he's had at least since his teen years (I really suspect that his parents gave him a toy weather station for his third birthday or something like that). No one better than Graham knows what a weather app should deliver. Graham, however, is (somewhat) modest about his achievement, believing that the record temperatures being set in Melbourne and Adelaide of around 45C cause people to brave the heat and rush out and buy Oz Weather (well, ok, this can probably be done from their computers, but you get the picture).

Now for the request - when will this service be available to rest of the world??


Unknown said...

Ummm... too kind! Blush.

As for your question, though, I would of course love to try my hand at a more international weather app, but the main obstacle is getting detailed, accurate and timely local weather for each different country. We are lucky in Australia to have a national weather bureau which publishes detailed weather observation updates every 10 minutes for many locations.

Anonymous said...

the iPhone weather apps in the US are not very good. The best is something from the weather channel...

Forget-me-not said...

There you have it, Graham - the US needs you!