Monday, December 29, 2008

Ice music

I forgot to mention today about hearing the ice sing while skating. Beautiful (and loud). Here's an analysis by an acoustical engineer, Gunnar Lundmark, relating tone frequency to ice thickness. I guessed - with my less than perfect ear - that today's tone was A4. According to wikipedia that's 440 Hz which would correspond to about 7.5 cm of ice. The ice was reported to be 9 cm which should have produced something closer to a G4. Amply within my margin of error.

From Gunnar Lundmark's site you can link to sounds of ice music. Try the sound of thin ice and the sound of too thin ice.

We've got ice!!

The clear, cold days started well before Christmas and the temperature has been sinking steadily: -10C today at midday. We (Alessandro, Ariana - a Czech friend - and I) went to a lake a 20 minute drive east of Uppsala where today's ice report indicated 9 cm thick ice. With the cold temps and no snow at all, the whole lake was skateable. The white stuff is ice crystals which didn't interfere with skating although it was easier skating in the clear, dark streaks that criss cross the lake. The streaks are where the ice cracked and refroze.

The skating equipment is designed for long distance trips such as going around the islands of the archipelago. A basic set consists of long blades attached to cross country ski shoes (although this can get more or less specialized). Poles are used much in the same manner as for skiing. The orange ice picks are essential safety epuipment and are worn aroung the neck for easy access should you fall through the ice and would like to climb out again. A soft pad for breaks is a nice luxury item I like to have, too.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Burnt goat

Looks like they torched Gävle's goat last night. This is what it became about 12 hours after I took its picture for yesterday's blog post . The story's in the Local.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Gävle Julbock

The large straw goat in the town of Gävle made the news on Christmas day. Not because something happened to it, but simply because it was still in place, untouched and unharmed. The 13 meter high Christmas symbol has been torched more often than not since it first made its appearance in Gävle in 1966. Various strategies to ensure that Gävle still would have its goat have been tried including employing guards, making a spare goat and, in recent years, drenching it in flame retardant. The flame retardant worked but took all the yellow luster out of the goat. This year's method is different: no guards, no flame retardant, no spare. It burns up - it's gone. This realization seems to be sufficient to get the bonfire-happy Swedes to leave their goat alone. So far, anyway.

While in Gävle today, I bought a little wooden goat to decorate the Christmas tree. If you're wondering why the tree doesn't have needles, it's because I converted my potted ficus plant into a Christmas tree this year.

The other pic is just a classic tourist shot of the houses in Gävle's old town.

Correction: Apparently there are guards at night, and a torching attempted had been successfully thwarted by a passerby who used one of the available extinguishers. I don't see it in my pic, but there's supposed to be a burned patch on one leg.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New blog

I've finally decided to separate my CIGS ramblings from my personal ones even though the two often overlap. The plan is to move over all CIGS related stuff from this blog to the new one, Sunny Side Up - a CIGS adventure. Apparently my last post on quantum eficiency had a tad too much detail for some friends and family. This way I can feel free to talk about band gaps, Fermi levels and activation energies along with the usual nuts and bolts of the CIGS world somewhere else. Not that I will - there's a risk of severe ignorance exposure. But at least the possibility's there. I hope to get some CIGS-savvy guest bloggers over at the new blog, too, starting with my co-workers at Uppsala University. We'll see if this goes anywhere. It'll be a couple of weeks before I actually move the CIGS stuff.

I still plan on expounding on my usual inanities here.

Friday, December 19, 2008

The black hole in the milky way

Zoom in to the center of the milky way in this film from ESO, the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere. Got this from Lunken's blog.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

How does a CIGS solar cell respond to sunlight?

Well, hopefully the solar cell will act like a battery when the sun shines on it. But, of course, I want to go into a bit more detail than that. I've already written a fair number of posts regarding the making and workings of CIGS solar cells. You'll find them by clicking on the "CIGS" label at the bottom of this post. If you're new to the CIGS world, I suggest you start there first.

By now, you must be tremendously curious about the wonderful graph my colleague Sebastian put together for me, my own computer skills being somewhat limited in this regard. First off, you probably can't read the labeling on the graph very well because it's too small. This is easily remedied by a single click on the graph itself to see it full size - a handy trick that's useful for websites in general. So go take a closer look now and I'll explain what you're seeing.

First off, I've actually got two graphs for the price of one. I'm "allowed" to put them together because they have a meeting ground in their shared x-axis, the one labelled wavelength. This refers to the wavelength of light. The units are nanometers, nm (1 nm = 0.0000001 centimeters - does that help?).

One graph is the solar irradiance aka solar spectrum. I'm pleased to display the visible part of the solar spectrum in the pretty colors. The y-axis on the left is for irradiance of the solar spectrum in units of watts per square meter per nanometer. The "square meter" part refers to sun power falling on a square meter of surface pointed directly at the sun. The "nanometer" part refers to the color or wavelength interval of incoming light so that you can see the relative power contribution by the various colors. To get the total solar power you'd have to integrate or add up all the individual contributions by wavelength interval over the entire spectrum including the wavelengths that lie outside the regions of my graph. Understandably a bit confusing, but I'm trying.

The graph of the solar spectrum is labelled very scientifically as "AM 1.5 global solar irradiance at sea level". This is a bit more information than I had intended to discuss, but, well, Sebastian is very much a scientist (I'm more of an engineer). Anyway, here goes. This spectrum is what's referred to as a "standard sun" for the purpose of comparing the performance of solar cells with each other under the same sunlight conditions. AM 1.5 stands for air mass 1.5 and refers to the sun when its zenith angle (the angle from vertical) is 48.2 degrees. This corresponds to sunlight that travels through an atmosphere that's "1.5 atmospheres thick". AM 1 would, of course, refer to a sun that's directly overhead with sunlight travelling through an atmosphere that's 1 atmosphere thick. The "global" part of the label refers to the fact that both direct and diffuse light are included. The diffuse light is the sunlight available to you when standing shaded from direct sunlight.

I think the spectrum must be what you might get in some fairly pristine environment and it's not the same as you would get where there are high pollutant levels. Humidity will also affect the spectrum. In fact, much of the "choppiness" in the spectrum is due to absorption by water molecules. In any case, the sun tends to be at some angle in the sky other than the zenith angle of 48.2 degrees. However, when you see a power rating of a solar module, it will have been calculated using this AM 1.5 spectrum. So a module rated at a certain power output will rarely produce that particular power. It's just a means of comparing solar module A to solar module B. Nevertheless, this particular spectrum has been chosen because it's a good indication of average solar power per square meter arriving at the earth's surface.

Now that I've gone through that lengthy discussion I might as well tell you how much sun power arrives at the earth's surface for the AM 1.5 spectrum. It's, conveniently, 1000 watts per square meter. Just out of curiosity, I went and read what the max sun power was according to our sensor (pyranometer) on the roof at the lab. Three days ago we had full sun and the power was impressively over 450 W for an hour or two. Being near the winter solstice, the sun rises only 6 degrees above the horizon.

Ok, onto the other part of the graph labelled quantum efficiency. The y-axis for this graph is on the right and its measure is percent. Quantum efficiency is also called spectral response, the former term being preferred by solar scientists. It's a measure of how well a solar cell can produce electric current from the incoming sunlight color by color, wavelength by wavelength. For scientists, the sunlight is "quantized" into photons, the minimum energy packets by which light can give its energy up. The quantum efficiency measures the percentage of incoming photons that will result in an electron coming out of the solar cell. For the units of incoming sun power, I could have replaced the "watts" with "photons per second".

You'll see that the top and relatively flat part of the quantum efficiency curve lies at about 90%. So if you shine pure red light, say, onto the solar cell 90% will be converted to electricity. If the quantum efficiency were 90% over all wavelengths, then you'd have a 90% efficient solar cell. But it isn't, and you don't. The reasons? Some light is reflected away and never even makes it into the cell. Some light produces overly energetic electrons that shrug off the extra energy as heat. That's not good when you'd rather just have electricity. And some light never frees up an electron at all, it just produces heat directly. And then, some freed electrons get trapped before making it out. They're forced to give up their energy and wait around for another photon to come by for another chance at freedom. The result is as you see in the graph. A solar cell has a fairly limited working range.

The particular solar cell in the graph is a pretty good one. It's a CIGS cell I made and measured and this one is my best ever at 18.5% efficient. In the graph you can see that where the sun is producing most of its power the cell is also at its most efficient, that is 90%. Going to the violet and ultraviolet there is less sun power available (thanks in part to ozone, but I digress) and what little there is is used poorly by the solar cell. For any CIGS savvy readers, you'll also notice that the characteristic absorption by the cadmium sulfide layer isn't there and you'd guess rightly that this cell is cadmium free. Going to the infrared part of the spectrum at longer wavlengths, again the sun power falls off, choppily and a bit more slowly. At a wavelength a bit over 1000 nm there's less than half the max sun power available while at the same time the quantum efficiency is down to about 50%. Half of a half is only a quarter as much power produced than at the max part of both curves (very approximately). Beyond 1200 nm, the solar cell is totally useless. Whatever sun power it picks up will only go as heat.

The information in the two graphs is sufficient to calculate the electrical current that a solar cell will (not just "can") produce, at least when the sun is looking like the AM 1.5 spectrum. Since the quantum efficiency curve is a real measurement of the current produced at each wavelength, this is considered a real measurement of maximum current output of the solar cell when the external circuit is in short circuit mode. Just take the incoming photons per second at each wavelength, multiply this by the quantum efficiency at each wavelength to get some reduced number, add up or integrate the contributions from all the wavelengths and there you have a measure of the short circuit current. This is considered a better measure of current than that measured under a solar simulator, because the simulator uses a light bulb whose spectral output differs from the sun's. The quantum efficiency method gives a wavelength by wavelength breakdown of the picture with soooo much more info.

Ok, so what's my point, anyway? Bit by bit, I'm hoping to explain why solar cells aren't better than they are. Why couldn't they be 80% efficient, or how about 60? 40% maybe? But not even 20?? That will be for another time. I'll try and make future posts much shorter than this one.

Hopefully my new blog contributors, Per-Oskar and Sebastian, will soon be spouting lots of CIGS wisdom of their own.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The dead can warm the living

I can't help but admire Swedish creativity and the desire to particate in developing new energy sources. Or maybe it's just that Swedes abhor wastefulness. The cemetary administration in the Swedish town of Halmstad has plans to connect their crematorium's output - the heat, not the ashes - to the local district heating system: I saw this in the Local. While the burning fuel does produce CO2 and presumeably particulates, at least it's from a renewable energy source. Halmstad would be following the examples of the already operating crematorium heating systems in Lund, Skövde and Östersund.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hello World

You may have already noticed the appearence of two new names on the sidebar<-- And as one of the new contributors to this sporadically solar energy oriented blog, I thought I'd begin with a Hello and a brief introduction. Right now I am in the cleanroom, which is quite different from just any ordinary clean room. The cleanroom is a particle-controlled (and temperature/humidity they claim) environment common to most who work in microelectronics or thin film processing. Essentially, it's just very very clean. I am a phd student, and I do most of my work in this clean room. That takes up about half of my day; the other being spent sifting through articles or my own data for something of value. Like the originator of the blog, I am working with CIGS solar cells at the Ångstrom Solar Center, a research group within the division of Solid State Electronics, a part of the department of Engineering Sciences of the University of Uppsala. You see? It's all a big mess, at least when you try ordering anything by mail. 4 out of 5 packages end up at the division of Electricity research, or maybe Solid State physics or.. (wow, I am digressing rapidly..).
As a phd student I am working on any and most aspects regarding solar modules, or solar panels; i.e. the medium-to-large scale arrangement of solar cells for electricity production. By any and most I refer to such things as: interconnection of cells, patterning of thin films, isolation and edge deletion, encapsulation, long-term stability, climate testing and stability, etc. etc. At some point these things may be adressed and explained on this blog.
I also work part-time as a development engineer for a (ok, I'm gonna introduce another word here: Photovoltaic, which is the word I prefer to use for our type of electricity generating solar cells and modules, since the word means just this; electricity from light. The word is often abbreviated PV) PV startup company called Solibro. This puts me in touch with reality in a welcome and interesting way, as I get insight in what different challenges need to be adressed when you go from making a few sqare cm's of cells in a week, to making 1000 squar m's a day.
The rest of my time is divided between The Girl, Photography, Tv-series, Music and Videogames. Roughly. I try to squeeze in things like eating and drinking as often as I can but you know how it is. I've been an occasional blogger for a while now, sometimes writing journal entries and sometimes just spitting out quotes that I like or uploading pictures. The ambition here is to write about PV and energy in a relaxed but interesting way, and hopefully in a way that is accessible to most people who are interested. If any readers have questions, I'd be happy to try my best at answering.
So, Hello everybody!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


"Lucia" is part of the winter and advent celebrations in Sweden. Named after a third century Italian saint who was tortured and killed for her faith, the celebrations on Dec 13th are now a deeply traditional part of Swedish culture. I guess this would be Sweden's equivalent of a beauty pageant in which one girl (never a boy!) is selected to bear the candles in her hair. A must in all the schools. The boys are allowed secondary roles by wearing the pointed hats with stars and white robes.

At work on Friday we celebrated with our Luciafest - a traditional Christmas dinner. Lots of varieties of marinated herring, potato gratin with fresh herring, herring-beet sallad, smoked salmon, ham and mustard, Swedish meatballs and little hot dogs (I don't like those). True to tradition, green vegetables are not part of the meal. Imported vegetables have only become popular in the last few decades, I believe, and are most definitely untraditional.

Brännvin and beer accompanied the herring, of course. And we sang the usual drinking songs interspersed with the Lucia song and a Christmas song.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I want to get thumbthing straight

In a few hours I'll be off to the hospital for a "thumb straightening". With both hands on my lap, the right thumb points towards the ceiling, the joint at the base of the thumb looking like it's been popped out of place. The remedy is to shorten a ligament such that the thumb gets pulled to where it should be. Sounds like a dubious fix which doc #4 is proposing, but I don't see any good alternatives. It's been 9 months since the injury - there were more moguls on a steep ski slope than I had accounted for - and my attempts to exercise the thumb back into position have failed. I still can't turn a key in a lock or change gears on my bicycle, but if I concentrate, I can just manage to remove the cap off of a beer bottle. Not that I need to. My colleagues at Friday beer usually give me a hand with that.

I should be home tomorrow evening in time to see what the Nobel prize winners are having for dinner and also get a look at the gowns the princesses will be wearing.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Grocery shopping

I decided to follow up on yesterday's investigation into eco/health logos by inspecting the groceries I bought today.

Unpeeled potato chips with sunflower oil - no mark
Economy corn flakes - no mark
3 personal care products - none had marks
Grana Padano Italian cheese - it had a stamp to show it was "genuine", but no eco-logo

Hmmm... I've emptied the first of my two bags and haven't found a single mark! Moving on to the rest of the groceries:

Coffee beans - Fair Trade. I wouldn't have bought the beans without the mark, but I had to pay 20% more than I would have for the "unfair" beans.
Liquid laundry detergent - Bra Miljöval (good environmental choice). This was a surprise, since I had grabbed what I thought was some economy brand.
Milk - Svenskt Sigill (Swedish environment). Again a surprise, since I'd picked up the most "common" milk.
Oranges - two marks, the keyhole because they're healthy and the European ecological. I had purposely looked for ecological, which I tend to when buying fresh produce. I also decided not to look at the price.
Liquid acacia honey from Hungary - no mark. I bought it because it was cheap.
White flour - no mark. It was the most common brand.
Oats - two marks, the keyhole and the European ecological. I had deliberately chosen ecological at a 20% higher price.

I'm not sure how I did, but it was well enough to feel a certain amount of smug satisfaction. Of course, I don't really know how much better humanity is for the choices I made this evening.

My dinner tonight consisted of split pea soup left over from the weekend, several glasses of water and some of the potato chips. Well, actually about half the 200g bag of chips. A dubiously healthy portion of self-indulgence to accompany the smug satisfaction.