It's not often I'll throw myself into the political world long enough to comment, but I've been entertained more than usual by the candidates for the upcoming U.S. presidential election. I think Pallin was a great choice for McCain - I was afraid he'd pick some exerienced politician with lots of savvy, but luckily he chose a bimbo. It means that the dark horse might even win this race even if he is a bit darker than many Americans can accept. My absentee ballot arrived in the mail yesterday and I sent it in a few hours ago. I even got one of those ballots with Obama's name spelled with a "b" and not an "s", so there's hope yet for American style democracy.
Meanwhile, here in socialist land, I'm enjoying the health care benefits that will get my hand and thumb bones repostitioned and the strings tuned such that I may even end up playing the fiddle by next year even if the hand ends up with the palm facing out rather than in. Just kidding. Of course.
Palin is such an incredible joke and McCain is pandering to the extreme right wing in the US. The frightening thing is that something like 30 percent of voters are in this group.
I'll be very happy when the election is over - assuming Obama wins. If he doesn't my wife jokes that we should move to Denmark.
Surely you don't believe that a black man would stand a better chance of being elected to power in Denmark?
Oh, thanks for the comment, by the way. I'm not really used to receiving and answering them.
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